30 Minutes Swedish Massage, 45 Minutes Prenatal Massage change

Select from the following list to add a service to this appointment. cancel

  • Massage

    The following massage techniques are available.
  • Treatments

    These are other forms of treating aching muscles, aching joints, improve circulation, range of motion, detoxify, exfoliate skin and treat many of the conditions alleviated by massage. However, instead of pressing against the muscle, heated stones, glass cups or gua sha are placed over the skin to trigger a healing process of the musculoskeletal structure.  
  • Facials

    Please note that the facial services are provided by a licensed massage therapist. The level of service provided does not require an esthetician license. If you are in need of skin care, peels or extractions I advise you to seek the services of a licensed esthetician.
    • Clay Mask $46.65
      Most popular in this category
  • Add-Ons

    Some of these add ons will be used if recommended by therapist. 
    • Hot Towels Face & Feet Free
      Moist warm towels. May be included with any service at no extra cost
    • Moist Heating Pads Free
      May be included with any service at no extra cost
    • Hot Stones
      Treatment used as an ad-on to any massage session. May be included with any service at no extra cost
    • Cupping
      Treatment used as an ad-on during your massage session. May be included with any service at no extra cost
Price:$98.45 (card on file required)